Human knowledge is a funny thing.
We are all built to feel like we know what we know, when in reality, this is likely not the case. Or at least much less solid than we feel it is.
With things...
The 12 Days of Christmas
Ok sports fans, time to indulge your 67th favourite blog writer in a Christmas themed exercise in one part sage advice, one part egotistical virtue signalling and one part...
There are plenty of confusing and seemingly counterintuitive things in health that people, or the health professionals helping them with their issues, have to navigate.
Things that are painful...
There are lot’s of concepts that one hears about, sees thrown around on social media, etc which, when you look at it closely, you realise that most people that use it are just trying to sound...
The English language has always been tricky for me. Not because I am a skilled, multilingual savant. More that I am a bogan from Newcastle that grew up in the 80s who learned more slang and mostly...
So we are on to the second episode (do blogs have episodes?? What else would you call it?? Post? Part 2? Whatever, “episodes” is good enough for Star Wars so I'm sticking with it. If...
I prefer Silverback to Dinosaur
The average lifespan of a physio is somewhere between 5 and 7 years, depending on what you read. There are many reasons for this. A stepping stone to medicine, keen...